Kimmy Gordon Smith & Ripley

Ripley is my 3year old QH filly who came to live with me about 15mths ago.

I started Rip on CHH supplements after seeing the results my other horse Chicco was getting. I had Danee assess her WHOLE diet including her paddocks, the grasses in it & my hay.

Rip had recently started cross firing in her hinds when ground working. She’d also become mad with itch, pushing herself all over you. Yet she was also generally standoffish & didn’t like necessarily being touched. She was dull in her coat & got these awful ‘hot spots’ on her body. She was very spooky and had terrible separation anxiety.

We decided to make some changes and put her on a basic diet and started her on CHH supplements of GrazeEzy, SOS & Supreme. We added salt and changed from a grassy lucerne mix hay to a plain Rhodes grass.

She has been on these products for 3months now and the results speak for themselves. But her coat started literally glowing after just 4 days on the new diet!

She no longer cross fires & her coat is breathtaking. Her hot spots & itching have just disappeared.  Rip has become a cuddly ‘happy to be’ (respectfully) in your space without being pushy. Her spookiness has greatly decreased and her separation anxiety has gone. Both my horses have become much calmer at feed time with no food aggression behaviour anymore.

Rip heads off to be started under saddle next week and I’m confident that both her body and her brain are in a better place now to be able to handle the various stresses and rigors or the training. Mind you, I’ m sending her with a bag of Alleviate, just to help! 😉

I’m so glad I found CHH. The results are amazing & I won’t use anything else now I have found these supps.